Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It was a writing prompt, now it's a blog post. And some music

At the Scribes of Lancaster meeting the other day we were asked to write a piece inspired by song lyrics. As I had once again been listening to Jeffree Star I declared my piece "too dirty" and promised to post it here. I added a tiny bit to it, as well. Oh, that picture is just something I saw in Athens under a bridge.

Lollipop Luxury is the name of this song. It really doesn't mean much to me. What makes a lollipop luxurious? Or is that being kind of dirty? The song is pretty filthy actually, and could raise a few... questions. For example: Are celebrities promiscuous by nature? Does the old standard hold true, that everyone who is famous sucked --fill in the blank-- to get where they are? I doubt it, but that's exactly where it goes.
Wouldn't it be easy, wouldn't we all be easy?
To be confident in our abilities, and to write such a cheeky song. Lipgloss and lollipops, superstars and counting on being a celebrity before we're even famous. Does the lipgloss really make a difference? "Lipstick on a pig" was the catchphrase a couple years ago at election time. Still, icing on a cupcake may improve things if you're into that sort of thing, but dressing up a dry cake with more sugar can't hide the fact that it was bad in the first place. Not all that pleasant when you think about it. Call it gourmet, go ahead. Maybe someone will believe you.
Lipstick or not, still a pig.
Lipgloss or not, still sucking on your favorite euphemism.
Not all that sweet, is it? Unless you're into that sort of thing.

And now I will prove that I listen to music other than Jeffree Star...
hmm, I think I need to make a Halloween playlist

Friday, October 22, 2010


I went to a park last weekend, so here are some interesting ducks. They don't really fit into anything that I'm working on. They're just ducks.
They all thought we had food for them, but we did not.
I am the duck deceiver.
That one didn't even know that I took it's picture, because I'm sneaky like that. Maybe it was just bird ignorant.

This is one picture I'm using for the High Contrast of my portrait mid-term. The color was a little screwed up because the camera was set to "Vivid" and apparently "vivid" means lots of green and yellow to my little camera. So I went in to photoshop and played with the color balance and contrast a little.

And these are not ducks at all, but will be filling in the role of Self-Portrait and Texture on my portrait midterm. So, there you go.

I'll go back to my work now,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Art 112: Annie Leibovitz Project

Here are the photos I chose to present for my Annie Leibovitz-style photo project, and I added a couple extras too since I bothered to edit them a little. For this project I had a non-existent budget, but a lot of leaves. I probably looked like a loon collecting leaves from the front of the house, bagging them up and tossing them into a neat pile in the backyard.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Can't think of a name, so I'll call this post "Fred"

Wow, I disappeared there for a while, again.

What I have been doing in no particular order:
Going to college again, and all things associated with it
Dealing with drama
Freaking out over being separated from my laptop due to power cord melting
Writing, a lot
Taking pictures of stuff
Planning a weekend trip to NYC (X Japan and ComicCon, don't hate)
Discovering that driving too fast is an expensive hobby

Here are some pictures: