Thursday, May 19, 2011

Making Progress of Some Kind--announcements

Wow...when I added "announcements" to the title of this post I had a brief flashback to summer Girl Scout camps of long ago when announcements would always be done in the morning and then we'd be forced to sing about Father Abraham and his seven sons or about the guy who worked in a button factory... anyway--
I've been keeping busy with school...that's an understatement. I've also been helping with a school-related literary/arts magazine. And was given a "Notable Selection" nod for "Politics" in the Open Poetry division of the 2011 B.J. Rolfzen Creative Writing Contest. That poem will be in their journal entitled "Talkin' Blues"...I know my last name is off a bit on the web page, but it was correct on the press release (and that's one of the e-mails I've yet to send).
Additionally my poem "Lectio Divina" made it into "Silhouette," Shawnee State's Arts Magazine. You can get a PDF copy if you follow the link.

I'm thinking about preparing something for Femme Fatales and Bete Noire Magazine if I can focus to write something new and not dealing with Literary Analysis.
This is also coming up, too, if sci-fi/fantasy is your sort of thing: L. Ron Hubbard presents Writers of the Future Contest


  1. Pretty sure I wouldn't enter that even though sci-fi fantasy is kind of my thing. Too creeped out by Scientology. Can't get past that to the fact this has to do with his work as an author and not a self-serving zealot. ^^;;

  2. Yeah, that's one of my hang-up's too...and I don't think anything I write is sci-fi/fantasy enough. I saw the listing in an e-mail.
