As far as supplies go I made a tray of strawberry banana jello and added blue, red and green food coloring to it to make it more blood-like. I also did not add as much water as the recipe suggested, so the texture was thicker. After I forgot about it, it sat in the fridge for almost a week after doing these pictures and yesterday the texture felt kind of like translucent liver.
Zombie peep is covered in powdered sugar for pallor and cocoa power for the dust associated with rising from the grave. It's mouth was ripped open with a toothpick and I put rose-colored Wilton's Icing Colors gel food coloring into the mouth with a tooth pick.
The head injury puddle of the one peep is the jello mixture that I crushed into bits by hand. Chopping the jello made the lines too regular-looking.
The peep that is ripped apart only had the gel rose coloring initially, but I discovered that putting a few drops of liquid red food coloring into the severed marshmallow and squishing that into the wound made a pretty neat effect. It kind of became like the insides were meant to be red instead of white marshmallow.
The ripped apart peep and the peep being eaten by the zombie both have food coloring and crushed jello pressed into the slashes across them. The light picked up really nicely through that, giving them the illusion of having more innards.
I also have a couple vampire peep pictures, but I haven't uploaded those yet.
I set the peeps up in a large box with foil that I added texture to with a toothpick as the floor in order to create more variety of light and shadows.
I have family stuff to do this weekend, not completely looking forward to doing much of anything though because I think I'm getting some dread illness that it just going to add to the adventure. We are going to check out Haffa's in Athens tomorrow morning, so that journey will hopefully find me some interesting new vinyl. In boring life-related news I have laundry, cleaning and sewing to work on. My sewing list is still rather long and increasing since I haven't completed much of anything, and I've taken on another project, but this one will actually pay some money if I get all the information and can actually start on it.
I feel that I have the most free time, but the least accomplished which is disappointing.
I promise to do better next week.
Happy Easter if you're into that sort of thing, and have a great weekend regardless.
I'll have more pictures once I get them uploaded.
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